Sprint Communications Across the Nation Celebration Sweepstakes

Sprint Communications Across the Nation Celebration Sweepstakes

Could you use a new car, TV, or phone? Enter the Sprint Communications Across the Nation Celebration Car Giveaway and win a 2015 Fiat 500 and a Samsung 65″ SUHD, and $5,579.98 to help with taxes. Plus weekly winners will receive Samsung Galaxy S7, Samsung Gear VR headset, Samsung Gear S2 Watch, or a Samsung Level Box Mini. This is a daily entry sweepstakes. Ends April 6th, 2016. Good Luck!

  1. I could truly use a new car

  2. I would love to have a new car. My husband and I only have one car right now and it would help to have another car. Thanks.

  3. I have wanted a Fiat Pop for soooooo long, but don’t have the money. Please pick me!

  4. I need a new car

  5. i definitiveley could use it im driving a 2002 kia

  6. Would love to have a spanking brand new car!

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