Doritos “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” Choose Your Side Sweepstakes

Doritos "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" Choose Your Side Sweepstakes

Calling all Batman and Superman fans! Are you ready to win some cool gadgets or trips to have breathtaking experiences? Enter the Doritos Batman v Superman Choose Your Side Doritos Sweepstakes and choose a side Batman’s or Superman’s. Batman’s side has the gadgets including an iPad, a Playstation 4 bundle, a curved television, and much more. The Superman side has the experiences including the chance to skydive indoors, to attend a movie premiere, to fly with a jetpack, and much more. This sweepstakes is unlimited entry. Ends April 23rd, 2016. Good Luck!

Doritos Sweepstakes Batman Side Prizes

55-inch class LED Curved TV
3D Printer
Apple iPad Air 2 with Wi-Fi 16GB
PlayStation 4 game console with accessories and The Batman: Arkham Knight video game
GoPro Hero4 camera
Apple Watch
Beats by Dr. Dre headphones
Parrot Drone Elite Quadricopter 2.0.
Amazon Echo
Apple TV
Google Chrome Cast and More

Doritos Sweepstakes Superman Side Prizes

Trip for two to New York City to attend the Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice premiere
Racecar driving experience
Jetpack experience for two and $1,500 for travel
Zipline experience for two
Indoor skydiving experience for two
Bungee jumping experience for two
Free movie tickets

  1. Would love to win this prize!

  2. These are GREAT…it would be a BLESSING TO WIN THESE THINGS!

  3. I for BATMAN forever!

  4. What Great Prizes!

  5. yes please I would love to have that

  6. I pick Batman. Awesome prizes. I love Doritos anytime of day or night!

  7. I would love too win

  8. choose me as the winner of the contest

  9. I can see myself watching a new TV

  10. I choose Batman and all his wonderful Gadgets !

  11. I attempted to enter the Doritos contest several times and each time it stops me to warn me against potential threats to this site. Could you please have someone look into this threat. Thank you

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